Jurassic World

Jurassic World
Jurassic World

Film Details




119 minutes


Action and Adventure, Science Fiction and Fantasy




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It is twenty-two years since the events of Jurassic Park and Isla Nublar now contains a fully functioning dinosaur park. Despite drawing huge numbers, those in charge fear audiences are becoming bored with its attractions. At corporate request – and not stopping to think if they should - scientists set about creating a genetically modified dinosaur, bigger and more fearsome than any other: Indomitus Rex. Inevitably, things go horribly wrong, leaving it up to the park’s velociraptor trainer to find ways of containing her, before she causes too much destruction. This long-awaited sequel retains great affection for the original film, but takes the story in an intriguing new direction, delivering thrills, spectacle and extraordinary adventure.

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12 Classification

Moderate threat, occasional bloody moments, action violence.

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