

Film Details




116 minutes


Crime, Science Fiction and Fantasy




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It’s 2044 and 25-year-old Joe is working as a ‘looper’ for a criminal enterprise, tasked with ending the life of victims sent back in time from 2074. However, when confronted with his future self, Joe briefly hesitates and fails to get the job done. From here, we follow both Old Joe and Young Joe as the latter chases the former, attempting to atone for his error. Meanwhile, Old Joe is searching for some closure of his own, seeking to hunt down and kill the child who will eventually grow into his wife’s murderer. This is a film full of interesting and complex sci-fi concepts, from telekinetic powers to alternative timelines, combined with intelligent, provoking screenwriting.

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15 Classification

Contains strong language and bloody violence.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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