Embrace of the Serpent

Embrace of the Serpent
Embrace of the Serpent

Film Details




122 minutes


Drama, Period and Historical


Catalan / German / Latin / Portuguese / Spanish (English subtitles)


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Karamakate is a warrior shaman in the Colombian Amazon and the last of his tribe. Across two time-spans, forty years apart and beginning in 1909, he sets out to find the mysterious Yakruna plant, an hallugonenic thought to have life-saving properties, but also easily exploitable. Together with two western scientists, Karamakate’s extraordinary dreamlike journey takes him into the heart of the rainforest, showcasing the effects of colonialism and religion on the environment and indigenous traditions. Inspired by the journals of two real ethnologists, and embracing the non-linear approach to time of its protagonist, this is a haunting, black-and-white film about the search for the mystical.


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12 Classification

Contains moderate violence, injury detail and threat.

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