Into Film Clubs
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109 minutes
English / French / Kurdish / Turkish (English subtitles)
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Bilak is a 17 year-old boy from Iraq who has travelled through the Middle East and Europe to join his girlfriend in London. However he is stopped at the border in Calais, along with many other displaced people. Determined to cross the channel, he enlists the help of Simon, a local swimming instructor in order to swim over. Initially reluctant, and going through a divorce, Simon agrees and the pair gradually develop a deep bond. Simon urges Bilak not to take on such a perilous mission, while facing the hostility of others in his community opposed to his sheltering of the young refugee. This is a moving, provocative story, as its ironic title makes clear. But it is also contains moments of hope and humanity and is a heartfelt ode to those trapped with nowhere to go and the good samiratans who try and help them.
Two undocumented migrants form a close bond as they help each other navigate the hostile and dangerous underbelly of a London most of us never see.
Moving short documentary portrait of a Syrian refugee family who have been relocated to a small German village.
Read MoreDocumentary about immigration, focused on two Burmese families who relocate to Sheffield from a Thai refugee camp.
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This adaptation is a powerful story of friendship and betrayal set in Afghanistan.
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