Johnny English

Johnny English
Johnny English

Film Details




86 minutes


Action and Adventure, Comedy, Crime




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Johnny English is a good-natured yet very clumsy, often inept spy operating within the British “MI7” department. However, after a mass assassination leaves him as the only remaining operative within the service, it’s up to Johnny to protect the country. Along with his assistant Bough, the two are tasked with following a plot to steal the Crown Jewels which are on display at the Tower of London. But when they’re outsmarted and the jewels go missing, their trail leads them to a suspicious Frenchman, entrepreneur Pascal Sauvage. After investigating further, Johnny English discovers that Sauvage is concocting a fiendish plot to make himself King, and must find a way of proving his guilt before it’s too late. This is a fun spoof of James Bond and the spy genre with a trademark slapstick performance from Rowan Atkinson.

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PG Classification

Contains mild language and comic violence.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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