Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
100 minutes
Coming of Age, Drama
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Summertime, 1994. Trevor, a young teen living in a quiet mining village near Doncaster, hears rumours of a giant carp that lives in the nearby ponds. After spending a night staking out the area, he decides to bring his friends and family together on a fishing expedition to catch the legendary creature. United by a singular mission and stoked by the rumblings of political fever throughout the nation, Trevor and his compatriots each overcome their individual struggles in search of an impossible, fish-shaped dream. Full of heart and authenticity, Pond Life is a film that reaffirms the importance of community and explores the values of post-industrial Britain.
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Uplifting comedy about an unlikely moment in recent British history when, in 1984, gay rights activists offered to support the striking miners.
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Enchanting film from famed British social realist director Ken Loach, about a young lad with an unhappy life, who befriends and tames a kestrel hawk.
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Both atmospheric and effortlessly authentic, Fish Tank is a note perfect story of an adolescent's struggle in a complex adult world.
Romantic drama about the problems facing 16-year-old Mona and Tamsin, who fall in love during a summer in Yorkshire.
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