Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
118 minutes
Biopics, Drama, Musicals, Period and Historical, Romance
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This biopic looks at the final years of one of Hollywood’s most admired stars. Far from her cheerful and picture-perfect image, this film explores the hardships Judy Garland faced largely as a result of her fame as a child actor and traumatic early life. Set in London, where the star resided during a series of sold-out concerts undertaken to financially provide for her two children, Judy ceases to let her spark go as she meets her future fifth husband Mickey Deans and delivers chilling performances on stage. Yet the film does not ignore her battles with depression, substance abuse and the pressure of fame, all which took a devastating toll on her well-being. This is a touching drama on what made the actor such an enigmatic performer that also touches on her important role as an icon to many outsiders and the LGBTQ+ community.
Archive footage is used to tell the life and career of iconic soul singer Amy Winehouse.
A poignant drama about Jackie Kennedy in the aftermath of the assassination of her husband President John F Kennedy in 1963.
A renowned musician falls in love with a young singer-songwriter and helps her to find fame as addiction takes its toll on his own life.
A young woman struggles to balance the responsibilities of motherhood with her dream of becoming a country singer.
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