Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
120 minutes
American Sign Language / English (English subtitles)
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Ruben, a drummer and former heroin addict, lives life on the road with his girlfriend Lou, travelling around in a R.V. and playing shows as the two-person metal band BlackGammon. Overnight, Ruben loses his hearing and has no idea where to turn, desperate to maintain his normal life but overcome by panic and anxiety. After a medical diagnosis that does nothing to quell Ruben’s fears, the two travel to a commune for the small section of society that are both deaf and in recovery from addiction. It is here that Ruben must confront his future and learn to adapt to a new world, one without sound and therefore without music. Empathetic without being condescending and led by a gripping and committed performance from Riz Ahmed, Sound of Metal explores the nuances and philosophies of the wider deaf community.
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After the world is invaded by creatures who sense their prey by sound alone, a family of four must remain completely silent in order to survive.
A poignant, heartfelt anime about a young deaf girl who moves to a new school and is bullied by her classmates.
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An alien spacecraft lands on Earth, leading the military to recruit an expert linguist to try and gauge if they come in peace.
French comedy about a girl with an amazing singing voice who, in order to pursue her talents, must move away from her deaf parents who rely on her.
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