Into Film Clubs
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116 minutes
Drama, Sport
Italian / Swedish (English subtitles)
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Based on the autobiography of former Swedish football player Martin Bengtsson, this sporting drama takes a close look at the unethical contracts signed by young athletes and the complicated effects it can have on their mental wellbeing. Erik is a dedicated 16-year-old footballer whose childhood dream comes true when he is signed by the world famous club Inter Milan. After many years of intensive training, meticulously exercising and managing his diet, he feels ready to start his career as a professional player. However, he soon discovers is not prepared for the competitive nature of the sport and the hostility he is met with by his peers in the unkept accommodation he must now live in. With the transfer window fast approaching and the team’s manager putting him under vicious surveillance, including his first romantic relationship being forbidden, Erik hits an emotional low that forces him to rethink his identity and declining mental health.
strong sex, sex references, nudity, language, drug misuse
Find out more on the BBFC website
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British drama exploring the grooming of young people into criminal networks through the story of a 14-year-old.
After two European footballers begin a relationship, their careers come under threat.
A young cowboy finds his life completely transformed following a near fatal accident on the rodeo circuit.
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A lesbian teenager, on a journey to be her authentic self, struggles with heartbreak and her family relationships.
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