Into Film Clubs
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104 minutes
Crime, Thriller
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In California, two young women feel the devastating impact of climate change: Xochitl’s mother dies during a freak heatwave in a city plagued by oil refineries, while her friend Theo is diagnosed with terminal cancer caused by the same pollution. Together they decide to take drastic action to call attention to the issue and plot an act of environmental terrorism. They decide upon the strategic detonation of an unguarded, recently constructed oil pipeline in West Texas, for which they need further help and expertise. After recruiting six others who each have their reasons for joining the cause, the group set about putting their radical and risky plan in motion. Deftly adapted from the non-fiction book of the same name, ‘How to Blow Up A Pipeline’ is a provocative yet prescient eco-thriller which explores the ethics of environmental activism.
strong language, injury detail, drug misuse, threat
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