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Deian a Loli a Diwedd y Byd

Deian a Loli a Diwedd y Byd
Deian a Loli a Diwedd y Byd

Film Details




32 minutes


Comedy, Family, Science Fiction and Fantasy


Welsh (English subtitles)


Mae’r ffilm hwn yn dilyn anturiaethau hudolus Deian a Loli wrth iddyn nhw symud tŷ, ond mae’r efeillaid yn ei gweld hi’n anodd i ddygymod â’r syniad yma - byddai’n well ganddyn nhw petai popeth yn aros yr un peth. Wrth edrych allan i’r ardd, mae’r ddau yn cael sioc wrth weld iâ’n gorchuddio lle, rhywbeth annisgwyl ar gyfer yr amser yma o’r flwyddyn. Wrth sylwi nad oedd y blodau’n blaguro a’r planhigion yn tyfu, mae Deian a Loli’n penderfynu dod o hyd i’r Gaeaf – sy’ wedi chwarae triciau er mwyn atal y Gwanwyn gyrraedd. Gyda help Yr Hydref a’r Haf, mae’r ddau’n trio perswadio Gaeaf na all popeth fod yr un peth am byth…A fydd yr efeilliaid yw llwyddo i helpu’r Gwanwyn? 

In this season themed episode featuring the antics of magical twins Deian and Loli, their family is about to move house. But the children are having trouble accepting this change: they want things to stay exactly as they are! Outside, they see that the garden is covered in ice, which is unseasonal for this time of year. What is stopping Spring from coming? With the frost threatening to finish off all plants, Deain and Loli track down the embodiment of Winter, who is fed up with being pushed aside every year to make way for the green beauty, Spring, so he’s decided to trap her in ice. The twins must find a way to thaw the frozen season and restore nature’s natural course, teaming up with the wise fairy Autumn and the jolly Summer. Can they persuade Winter that nothing can stay the same forever?


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