Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
90 minutes
Afrikaans / English / Xhosa / Zulu (English subtitles)
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This hard-hitting film won an Oscar in the year it was released - and deservedly so. In the street slang of South Africa's Johannesburg, "Tsotsi" means gang member, and the story here follows one such gangster as he goes about his life of violent crime and mindless thuggery. But when a carjacking goes nightmarishly wrong, he finds himself looking after a baby boy - and the responsibility for this new life means he starts to take a long, hard look at his own. Make no mistake, Tsotsi is a powerful movie, and it does contain depressingly realistic scenes of violence - but it's also a film with a hugely important message.
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Fast-paced and funny anime about a homeless trio who discover an abandoned baby on Christmas Eve.
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Fast, frantic film about three friends from the ghettos of the Paris suburbs, where life is portrayed as being violent and unjust.
A gentle and thought-provoking film from the African country of Chad that sees a family torn apart when a father leaves his wife and children.
Exciting, gritty Brazilian drama about two teenagers involved in a turf war over their slum, in a world ruled by poverty, drugs and violence.
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