13 Tzameti

13 Tzameti
13 Tzameti

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93 minutes




French (English subtitles)


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13 Tzameti is a startling and original suspense thriller set in modern France but shot in grainy black and white. Sebastien is a hardworking young man from a poor family of Georgian immigrants. He is doing some building work for a mysterious old man - who dies before Sebastien is paid. Desperate for cash, Sebastien takes the man's place at a meeting he knows nothing about. And when he arrives, he stumbles into a terrifying and shady underworld where a deadly game is being played, and finds there is no easy way out. Sebastien's predicament - and the things he must do to try to escape it - will haunt you long after the closing credits have rolled.

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15 Classification

This film has a few uses of strong bad language and contains strong violence and hard drug use.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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