Into Film Clubs
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115 minutes
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With characters from the most senior to the most junior of the crew, In Which We Serve is an utterly gripping tale of courage and sacrifice that details the hopes and fears of British sailors left clinging to the wreckage after their ship is destroyed by German bombers. Films like this were important in keeping up morale during the dark days of the war - and remind us today of the astonishing experiences of previous generations.
This film contains regular instances of characters smoking.
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Set during World War One, this film from legendary director Jean Renoir about three French soldiers in a prison camp portrays war's harsh realities.
Groundbreaking film about the day-to-day work of a group of firemen during the London Blitz of World War Two, with all parts played by real firemen.
One of a series of short films made by famed director Frank Capra in World War II, commissioned to encourage US citizens to support the war effort.
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Epic World War Two drama, centring on a mission to find and bring home an American soldier, after his three brothers have all been killed in combat.
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