Into Film Clubs
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100 minutes
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This dazzling film noir actually starts with the death of the "hero" (superbly played by Burt Lancaster) - which removes any doubt of the outcome, but doesn't kill the suspense, as the emphasis is not on how or when he dies, but why. And, for that matter, why does he accept his death so calmly, with the words "There's nothin' I can do about it"? The film is divided into flashbacks, each providing a piece of the puzzle - a daring device that keeps you gripped till the very end.
Hard-hitting, fast-paced adaptation of a crime novel in which a detective takes on thugs and nuclear secrets.
Classic film noir starring Humphrey Bogart as a shabby private detective hired for the seemingly simple task of keeping an eye on a bigwig's daughter.
A teenage loner pushes his way into the underworld of a high school crime ring to investigate the disappearance of his ex-girlfriend.
One of the darkest portraits of Hollywood ever made, director Billy Wilder's classic film is the story of a fading screen goddess.
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