'See, Think, Make: Celebrate' in Wales

17 Aug 2018

7 mins
Celebratory event for Welsh activity - YAC Graduation
Celebratory event for Welsh activity - YAC Graduation

On 3 July 2018, Into Film Cymru hosted ‘See, Think, Make: Celebrate' at the University of South Wales; a unique and exciting event designed to showcase all of the brilliant work that Into Film has done in Wales. 

Throughout the day, key ambassador schools, Into Film ClubsYouth Advisory Council members and Young Reporters were given the opportunity to share the exceptional ways that they've engaged with our programme and how this has shaped their personal and educational development.

I've enjoyed making new friends and learning about interesting topics like the different career opportunities available within film. I particularly appreciate the exclusive opportunities like attending film premieres and Cardiff Animation Festival. I've been inspired and feel more ready to go into the industry in the future now.

James, Lewis School Pengam, Welsh YAC Member

For schools, the myriad of successful ways that they're using film to support literacy, digital literacy and numeracy activity within the classroom was on display; from Cwmrhydyceirw's Film Fortnight activity to Treganna's industry interaction events. 

Meanwhile, the commitment and imagination of each Into Film Club in attendance was truly inspiring. For Pen-y-Bont Primary School, making the most of their club meant getting involved in every single element, from managing club members to selecting films. 

As for Coleg Sir Gar - winner of Club of the Year 13 and Over at the Into Film Awards 2018 - they explained how they initially got involved in Into Film Club of the Month and how they edit their films, the latter of which included a taster session for younger students. Meanwhile, St Alban's High School students drew attention to the power of meeting industry members and how these encounters can shape your career pathway.

For YAC members the day was a particularly joyous occasion as it was also their graduation. After 12 months of hard work, it was clear that they had both become a tight-knit group of good friends and had fashioned some truly great ways of tailoring the programme to the specific needs of young people in Wales. YAC member, Cai, presented his favourite moments from the previous year, including the BAFTA Cymru event, the Cardiff Animation Festival and most importantly, working on films with his peers.

This opportunity has enabled me to learn more about films, jobs within the industry and different types of films. The highlights of the year include using the green screen and attending the Cardiff Animation Festival. The session at the Festival allowed me to appreciate that there's more to film than just watching them in the cinema.

Ceirios, Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is-Coed, Welsh YAC Member

Finally, the Young Reporters spoke about all of the ways that the programme has raised their confidence and solidified their ambition to work in the film industry. 

‘See, Think, Make: Celebrate' didn't solely comprise of presentations; young people also participated in a wide array of workshops, from Make-up for Film and VFX to Identity and Nationality within Films and Film History. 

Thank you to the staff at the University of South Wales and Coleg y Cymoedd for their support with these sessions. It was truly a day for the ages, and one that brought together all of the incredible ways that Wales and Into Film Cymru continue to innovate and push the power of film forwards.

Ar y 3ydd o Orffennaf, cynhaliwyd ‘Dewch i Ddathlu' ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru; digwyddiad unigryw a chyffrous wedi'i drefnu i dynnu sylw ar yr holl waith gwych sy'n digwydd yng Nghyrmu. 

Yn ystod y dydd, cafodd athrawon o rhai o ysgolion gorau Into Film, aelodau o'n panel ieuenctid a rhai o'n gohebwyr ifanc y cyfle i rannu eu profiadau a thrafod sut y maen nhw wedi elwa o waith Into Film a sut y mae Into Film yn cyfrannu at eu datblygiad personal, cymdeithasol ac addysgol.

Dwi wedi mwynhau gwneud ffrindiau newydd a dysgu am bynciau gwahanol; fel yr ystod o swyddi sydd ar gael o fewn y diwydiant ffilm. Dwi'n ddiolchgar iawn am y cyfleoedd unigryw gan gynnwys mynychu premiere ffilm a Gwyl Animeiddio Caerdydd. Dwi wedi fy ysbrydoli ac yn teimlo'n fwy parod i fynd mewn i'r diwydiant yn y dyfodol nawr

Nododd James, o Ysgol Lewis Pengam, Aelod o Banel Ieuenctid Into Film

Cafodd yr ysgolion y cyfle i rannu arfer dda a syniadau am bwer ffilm yn y dosbarth a sut mae ffilm yn gallu helpu datblygu sgiliau llythrennedd, rhifedd a llythrennedd digidol pobl ifanc; o Gwmrhydyceirw a'i gweithgareddau Pythefnos o Ffilm i weithdai talent ffilm Treganna. Soniodd Ysgol Pen-y-Bont, am ei chlwb ffilm; o recriwtio aelodau i ddewis ffilmiau. Manteisiodd myfyrwyr o Goleg Sir Gar enillwyr Clwb y Flwyddyn, ar y cyfle i drafod sut y maen nhw wedi bod yn gwneud ffilmiau gan ddangos i'r myfyrwyr iau sut mae mynd ati I olygu ffilm. Tynodd St Alabn's High sylw at sut y mae mynychu digwyddiadau ffilm wedi cael dylanwad ar eu dyheadau gyrfaol.

Roedd y digwyddiad hefyd yn gyfle i ddahtlu llwyddiannau aelodau o Banel Ieuenctid Into Film. Ar ol 12 mis o waith caled, roedd hi'n amlwg eu bod wedi dod yn ffrindiau da ac wedi cyfrannu at waith Into Film yng Nghymru. Soniodd Cai, Aelod o'r Panel, mai uchafbwyntiau ei flwyddyn oedd cael mynd i ddigwyddiad BAFTA Cymru a'r Wyl Animeiddio yng Nghaerdydd, ynghyd a gweithio a dod i nabod mwy o bobl ifanc.

Mae'r cyfle wedi galluogi ifi ddysgu mwy am ffilm; y gyrfaoedd sydd ar gael o fewn y sector ac am amrywiaeth o ffilmiau gwahanol. Fe fwynheuais I ddefnyddio'r sgrin werdd a mynychu'r Wyl Animediddio yng Nghaerydd. Fe ddysges i fod mwy i ffilm na'i gwylio'n y sinema'n unig!

Dywedodd Ceirios o Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is-Coed, Aelod arall o’r Panel

Ar ben hyn, ymunodd rhai o ohebwyr ifanc Into Film a ni ar gyfer y digwyddiad a chyflwynwyd gwybodaeth am y cynllun arbennig hwn. Roedd hi'n amlwg eu bod wedi cael profiadau gwerth chweil sydd wedi helpu nhw gyda'u hyder ac ehangu eu dyheadau gyrfaol.

I goroni'r holl beth, cafodd y bobl ifanc y cyfle i fynychu sesiynau ymarferol; o golur i ffilm i VFX; o ddysgu am hunaniaeth mewn ffilm ac hanes ffilm. Diolch i staff Prifysgol De Cymru a Coleg y Cymoedd am eu cefnogaeth. Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod i'w gofio ac yn wych gweld carfannu gwahanol sy'n ymwneud a'n gwaith yn dod at ei gilydd i'n helpu i ddatblygu ac arloesi ym mhellach.

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