Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
130 minutes
Based on a true story, Drama
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In the mid-2000s, a disparate group of four outsiders in the banking industry noticed something that the banks, media and government all failed to spot: the looming collapse of the U.S. housing market and global financial crisis. Armed with this information, they came up with a plan dubbed ‘The Big Short’, taking on the supposedly infallible institutions, even though nobody took them seriously. What follows is a fascinating portrait of four anti-heroes increasingly amazed at events building up around them and the callous incompetence of its perpetrators. This witty and hyper farce presents complex and little understood information in an inventive, accessible manner, producing an entertaining drama that always retains its sense of anger and injustice.
Sports drama about the manager of a struggling baseball team devising an innovative way to turn them into world-beaters.
This smart Oscar-nominated documentary does a fine job of explaining the origins of the credit crunch in an entertaining and jaw-dropping manner.
This film about US high finance made ruthless corporate moneyman Gordon Gekko one of cinema's great villains, even idolised by some bank executives.
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