Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
103 minutes
Japanese (English subtitles)
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Anna, a shy and awkward 12-year-old, finds it difficult to fit in, and when her anxiety-related asthma becomes more serious her foster mother sends her away to recover with relatives in the country. Initially unsure of herself but encouraged by her aunt and uncle, Anna befriends a mute boatman who lets her borrow his rowboat to explore her new surroundings. Drawn to a mysterious abandoned mansion on the other side of the marsh, Anna meets a spirited girl her own age called Marnie, and a deep friendship develops that Marnie makes her promise to keep secret.
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A recently-orphaned 10-year-old girl is sent to live at her uncle’s grand estate in Yorkshire where she discovers secrets within its grounds.
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Animated adventure about the five dominant emotions inside an 11 year-old girl’s head, as she struggles to come to terms with moving home.
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A beautifully understated, naturalistic drama about childhood gender identity confusion that’s both touching and gently humorous.
Exquisite animation and lively score creates a fantastical backdrop for this classic story about the little people who 'borrow' everyday objects.
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