Into Film Clubs
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99 minutes
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Immigration officer Wendy is tasked with a high-profile case that forces her to question her morals and her career whilst she deals with her own personal demons. Haile is a refugee who is forced to run from his home-country under the threat of death and we watch his dangerous journey unfold in parallel with the sterile scenes of his interview at the immigration centre. After Haile attacks a police officer upon his discovery after crossing the border, Wendy is asked to make sure his refugee status is denied but upon further investigation, there is more than meets the eye. As well as being a compelling story of survival, The Flood is also an accessible and comprehensive account of the process and difficulties people must face when seeking asylum in the United Kingdom.
Documentary about immigration, focused on two Burmese families who relocate to Sheffield from a Thai refugee camp.
The true story of a man who risked his life to save over a thousand refugees who faced death in a tribal civil war in Rwanda in 1994.
French drama about a Kurdish teenager attempting to swim the channel to be reunited with his girlfriend.
A sad, funny and honest film about the problems facing asylum seekers in modern Britain.
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