Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
121 minutes
Animation, Musicals, Science Fiction and Fantasy
English / Japanese (English subtitles)
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Suzu is a socially awkward high-school student who lives with her father after her mother tragically drowned in an accident some years earlier. She finds solace in an incredibly popular new app called ‘U’ which allows users to transport themselves into a colourful virtual world as an avatar which is automatically generated based on the person’s appearance and characteristics. However Suzu inadvertently uses a photo of her friend when uploading which, combined with her username, gives her anonymity. With this protection in place, she finds the confidence to resume singing which quickly results in her becoming a worldwide sensation. Dubbed ‘Belle’ – meaning ‘beauty’ – by her fans, she soon discovers the many sides of social media. But when she learns about a destructive character within the app known as the Dragon, Belle’s instinct tells her to help him. Loosely based on the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ fairy tale, this modern interpretation has dazzling visuals and a beautiful soundtrack while also containing serious themes around identity, social media, and trauma.
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In a futuristic dystopia, a man has become addicted to a new technology called ‘Best Friend’ which provides him with virtual companionship.
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Teenager Wade and his friends enter the virtual reality universe of the OASIS to complete a series of tasks hidden somewhere within its vast realm.
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Two street children race each other on the rooftops of their marvellous Middle Eastern city, unaware their lives will suddenly be changed.
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Animated classic which proves yet again that true beauty lies not in a person's appearance, but what is in their heart.
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