

Film Details




85 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama, Sport


French / Russian (English subtitles)


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Olga, a 15-year-old Ukrainian gymnast, is doggedly training for the European Championship when she is suddenly uprooted to Switzerland for her own safety. It’s 2013 and Ukraine is on the brink of a revolution, with Olga’s mother dangerously involved as a journalist criticizing the then pro-Russian government. Committed as Olga is to her sport, she starts training with a new gymnastics team, but she can’t help but feel uncomfortable around her Swiss relatives and teammates. As the pressure mounts for her athletic success, so does the civil unrest on the streets of Kiev, which Olga follows remotely through video footage and phone calls to her friends and mother back home, feeling increasingly torn between her individual and collective sense of duty. A timely and powerful story that provides context for Ukraine’s political situation, this film will also resonate with the experiences of young displaced people across the world.


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15 Classification

strong language

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