Actor Luke Evans turns mentor for future Welsh talent

24 Mar 2020

5 mins
Visit to schools in Cardiff
Visit to schools in Cardiff

On 3 March, we were extremely fortunate to have Welsh actor and Hollywood star Luke Evans visit Cardiff to meet exclusively with pupils from Ysgol Gymraeg Treganna, The Hollies and Llanharan Primary School, as well as Welsh nominees for the Into Film Awards in an exclusive Q&A event.

Luke spoke about the educational power of watching films and the highlights of his career, including tips on how to get into the creative industries. This is part of an on-going programme for young people to learn about careers in the film industry through interaction with important figures within it.

It's important to me that I find ways to support children and young people in Wales. I believe that those of us who have found success should take time to ensure the baton gets passed on.

Actor, Luke Evans

Speaking at Ysgol Gymraeg Treganna, Luke Evans said: "I wanted to come here today to celebrate the success of our Welsh nominees for the Into Film Awards with a record five nominations this year! It's wonderful to know that our burgeoning creative industries in Wales have some incredible home-grown talent coming upstream, some of whom I've met today.

"It's important to me that I find ways to support children and young people in Wales. I believe that those of us who have found success should take time to ensure the baton gets passed on.

"I'm thankful I've been able to make my dream come true: earning a living from singing, acting and dancing. Knowing that dreams do come true is important for children to see and I hope it helps the next generation of actors, writers, directors, and producers to flourish. The fantastic medium of film gives each and every one of them regardless of their background the impetus to find their voice and express themselves, and I very much want to hear what they have to say and share."

Event organiser and head of Into Film Cymru, Non Stevens said: "Luke has always been supportive of Into Film Cymru, and I would like to thank him wholeheartedly for giving up his time so freely today to mentor Into Film members. With the introduction of film within Curriculum for Wales 2022 and the exciting growth of the creative industries in Wales, Into Film events aim to showcase the power of learning through and with film."

Seeing someone who started in the same situation as me and succeeded really opened my eyes to what I can achieve. There wasn't a moment during the session where my attention wandered away from Luke. I'm sure I'll remember the experience for the rest of my life!

Youth Advisory Council Member Gruff (12)

Into Film Education Ambassador and teacher at Ysgol Gymraeg Treganna, Mr Thomas-Williams said: "We are grateful to Into Film Cymru and Luke for the stimulating and motivating session today. These types of opportunities help to bring creativity to the fore of our school's curriculum. Film is an important pillar of the Expressive Arts and by bringing these opportunities to life we're expanding pupils' horizons and ensuring every young person is given a platform which to engage with their own creativity. Learning about the many career pathways available within the industry has engaged our learners and inspired the next generation of filmmakers."

Head over to our Careers in Film theme page for a whole host of other school visits and resources on what the film industry can offer young people.

Ar y 3ydd o Fawrth buom ni'n lwcus i gynnal sesiwn holi ac ateb gyda'r actor fyd-enwog Luke Evans wrth iddo ymweld ag Ysgol Gymraeg Treganna a chwrdd a myfyrwyr o'r ysgol hwnnw ag ysgolion The Hollies a Llanharan, ynghyd ag rhai o aelodau ifanc Into Film.

Yn ystod y sesiwn soniodd Luke am bwer addysgol ffilm a rhai o uchafbwyntiau ei yrfa, gan gynnwys rannu cyngor ar weithio o fewn y diwydiannau creadigol. Roedd y digwyddiad yn rhan o gyfres o ddigwyddiadau ar gyfer pobl ifanc gan Into Film Cymru rhaglen sy'n anelu I ddarparu gwybodaeth am yrfaoedd yn y diwydiant ffilm drwy roi'r cyfle i bobl gwrdd â'r rheiny sy'n gweithio yn y sector.

Wrth siarad yn Ysgol Gymraeg Treganna, dywedodd Luke Evans: "Ro'n i'n awyddus dod yma heddi i ddathlu gyda rhai o enwebwyr Gwobrau Into Film fis Mawrth record o bump enwebiad o Gymru eleni! Mae'n wych gwybod bod ein pobl ifanc yn gwneud cystal a bod eu talent yn cael ei gydnabod fel hyn.

Mae'n bwysig ein bo ni'n cefnogi plant a phobl ifanc o Gymru. A dwi'n credu y dylai y rheiny sydd wedi llwyddo o fewn y diwydiant ddarparu cyfloedd i ysbrydoli'r genhedlaeth nesa.

Dwi'n ddiolchgar iawn fy mod i wedi cael y cyfle i wireddu fy mreuddwydion; a chael ennill cyflog wrth ganu, actio a dawnsio. Mae breuddwydion yn gallu dod yn wir ac felly mae'n handogol ein bod yn rhannu ein straeon fel ein bod yn gallu helpu action, awduron, cyfarwyddwyr a dawnswyr y dyfodol. Mae ffilm yn gyfrwng ffantastig sy'n gallu rhoi llais i bob unigolyn beth bynnag eu cefndir a dwi'n awyddus clywed am yr hyn sydd gan y bobl ifanc yma i'w rannu".

Dywedodd Non Stevens. Rheolwr Into Film Cymru: "Mae Luke wedi bod yn gefnogol o waith Into Film Cymru ers hir a fe hoffwn I ddiolch iddo am roi o'i amser i ymuno â ni heddi. Wrth i ysgolion Cymru addasu a ddechrau cyflwyno ffilm fel rhan o Gwricwlwm Cymru 2022 ac o gofio bod y sector greadigol yn tyfu yma yng nghymru, mae digwyddiadau fel hyn yn caniatau I ni dynnu sylw at bwer dysgu drwy ac gyda ffilm."

Mae gweld rhywun a ddechreuodd yn yr un sefyllfa a fi yn llwyddo yn ysbrydoliaeth. Doedd dim eiliad yn ystod y sesiwn lle roedd fy sylw yn crwydro i ffwrdd wrth Luke. Dwi'n sicr y byddaf yn cofio'r profiad am weddill fy oes!

Dywedodd Gruff, aelod o Banel Ieuenctid Into Film

Ategodd Mr Thomas-Williams, Llysgennad Addysg Into Film Cymru ac athro yn Ysgol Gymraeg Treganna: "Ry'n ni'n ddiolchgar i Luke ac Into Film Cymru am ddigwyddiad diddorol ac ysbrydoledig. Mae cyfloedd fel hyn yn rhoi lle blaenllaw i greadigrwydd o fewn cwricwlwm yr ysgol. Mae ffilm yn rhan allwedol o'r Celfyddydau Mynegiannol ac felly mae digwyddiadau fel heddi' yn caniatau I ni ehangu gorwelion a sicrhau y bod ein pobl ifanc yn cael y cyfle i ddatblygu eu creadigrwydd hwythau hefyd. Ar ben hyn, mae'n nhw'n dysgu am y cyfleoedd Gwaith sydd ar gael o fewn y diwydiant."

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