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The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!

Film Details




88 minutes


Action and Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Period and Historical


English (English subtitles)


In 1837, the clumsy Pirate Captain leads his eccentric pirate crew into various adventures across the seven seas. Seeking to prove his worth, he decides to enter the annual Pirate of the Year competition, which he has attempted to win for the last 20 years without success. After several failed attempts to find ships to plunder and treasure to loot, they come across a lone explorer: a scientist by the name of Charles Darwin. They are about to make him walk the plank when he notices that the crew’s bird Polly, which they mistakenly believe to be a parrot, is in fact the last living dodo. Darwin recommends that they enter Polly into the Scientific Discovery of the Year competition and the Pirate Captain agrees, secretly hoping that any victory would bring with it great rewards. But if they are to win the prize, they must travel to London where danger awaits, as Queen Victoria hates pirates and will execute them if they are discovered on her lands. This Aardman production is a fun historical adventure exploring topics such as friendship and belonging.

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The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!


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Additional details

U Classification

Contains very mild language, violence, threat and innuendo.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!


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