Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
130 minutes
Comedy, Crime
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The morning after renowned crime novelist Harlan Thrombey celebrates his 85th birthday with his extended family, he’s found dead. Given the cause of death, suicide appears to be the most likely scenario, but the local police are joined in their investigation by an eccentric detective by the name of Benoit Blanc who has been assigned to the case by an unknown individual. As he interviews Harlan’s relatives and begins to learn more about the case, and each person’s relationship with Harlan, he soon suspects foul play. And given Harlan’s enormous, luxurious estate which is set to be divided between the family in his will, Blanc realises that any of them could have done it – so he must find out who. Full of twists and turns, ‘Knives Out’ is a playful reinvention of the classic whodunit, investigating themes of race, immigration and privilege.
brief bloody images, moderate sex and suicide references, strong language
Find out more on the BBFC website
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Alastair Sim is perfect as the all-knowing visitor in this adaptation of JB Priestley's most famous play.
Retelling of Agatha Christie’s masterpiece in which a murder takes place on the illustrious Orient Express, with all twelve passengers a suspect.
Comedy crime thriller based on the board game Cluedo, in which six dinner guests are invited by a butler to a gothic mansion, where a murder occurs.
Finely crafted murder mystery set in 1930s England, examining class differences through the upstairs and downstairs goings-on of a country house.
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